Workshops For Teachers

Young at Art® is a curriculum for teachers of children from pre-school thru early elementary school that demonstrates how crucial age-appropriate, early art experiences are in a child’s education and how these experiences support and enrich earning in the area of literacy. This is a series of literature-based, multi-media, age-appropriate activities. All teachers are given a hand out which includes a review of he highlights of the workshop as well as a full semester’s curriculum to help them utilize this unit in their classrooms.
Susan Striker’s specialties are stimulating critical thinking, choice-based learning and creativity. She has written several books and articles that have been loved by hildren, and their parents and teachers for decades. All of her art workshops address the National Art Standards and relate to literature. Teacher workshops explore the many ways an understanding of age-appropriate art help teachers contribute to and enrich their students’ literacy and learning in other areas including math, science, social and motional issues and multi-cultural studies.

Master Artists is a series of literature-based art activities that introduce the modern masters through storybooks that deal with the social and emotional characteristics, as well as the art, that make each artist special and nique. Hands-on art activities give participants an opportunity to experiment with the ideas that the artist originated. One copy of the full color, 109 page published book that includes a full year curriculum, easily adaptable for ages 6-16, MEET THE MASTERS will be onated to the group.

Days of the Dead Master is a workshop that explores the rich culture of the Mexican holiday. It begins with an engaging story that expresses the heart of the oliday and follows-up with hands on activity that can be completed and taken back to share ith students.